Get Involved

We invite you to join this work. Share your feedback, tell your story, or help us lead the work but serving on our committee or workgroup.

1. Emory employee well-being resource hub

Browse resources on the Well-Being Hub and share with your team

Learn More about EmWELL

2. Employee Feedback | Emory Healthcare Food Services Form

Tell us about your experience with food at Emory campuses

Fill out the Form

3. EmWELL Committee & Workgroup Member Application

Apply to join the EmWELL Committee or Workgroup

Fill out the Application

4. Rounding Well-Being: Invite EmWELL To Your Huddle or Team Meeting

Invite EmWELL to a huddle or team meeting

Send a Meeting Invite

5. Mental Health is Health: Sharing Stories to Break the Stigma | EmWELL

Break Mental Health Stigma and share your story

Share your Story